Cover For Kids Foundation, Inc. received its tax exempt status from the IRS last year and is organized to provide a comprehensive educational program of horsemanship and animal relationship focusing most of its work primarily with the occupational therapy students and other clients in the Denver Metro and outer lying areas. The organization currently works with handicapped children from Aurora Public Schools including students who have Down’s Syndrome, seizures, and autistic and ADD/ADHD children.
We checked in with Dena Dorn-Pavletic, President, earlier this year to get an update about their organization which has formed a partnership with Aurora Public Schools and looking to form partnerships with a local detention center and Children’s Hospital.
Here is some of what she had to say:
Organizational Update:
We are working on better ideas for raising money but that will always be the case. We are working on a program with the local detention center for the kids that show they are trying to follow rules and continue to accel and get back into the regular population. There is a lot more to the program and we are working with a wonderful psychologist who is willing to help some of the tougher children gain from our services. We have two new clients as well. One has brain damage from seizures and the other has Down’s Syndrome. We are hoping to start growing with new events and therapeutic exercises.
Recent Successes
We have a gentleman willing to donate $10,000 to get us started and then another $10,000 after someone else jumps on the band wagon. That’s for our fundraising success. We have a few new clients that we are totally excited about. We have already seen improvement in speech, balance, and confidence. Their teachers also have seen a difference in the class room.
Notable Clients and Staff
Ayube Frawan has been coming for 6 years and can now walk, trot, lope, and perform various exercises and games on horseback. He is amazing. He has even competed at some of the local shows.
Recent Challenges
Knowing what needs to be done to keep the organization legal. Simple things like proper paperwork in the meetings and things like that. Getting the whole board in the same place to have a meeting. Other challenges are how to advertise our services and get our name out there. This also is tough when talking to companies about donations. We want to help them truly understand just how much some of our children have changed and what their donation means to them.
Biggest Need
It would be an indoor arena. The local schools have a hard time sending kids our way when we don’t have a place to get out of the crazy weather. Until then we continue to work on the good days and reschedule when possible. My dad has been wonderful in building a lot of the exercises and modalities we have needed to use with the children.
Advice For Those Looking To Start A Nonprofit
Definitely do your homework. Check out the target community, if anyone else is doing the same thing, if there is a need, and . . . . I would also hire a trusted, knowledgeable, and helpful lawyer to get your organization legal and ready to go. T. S. WROBEL & ASSOCIATES made all the difference for us.