We get a lot of questions from people who have a family member or a friend who has an illness. Our heart goes out to those families and communities dealing with illnesses of all kinds. We appreciate that so many people want to help by holding fundraisers to help their loved ones with medical and living expenses.
Unfortunately, a 501c3 nonprofit organization needs to benefit an entire class of people rather than just a single individual. If you wish to start an organization to help many people living with cancer or other disease in your community, we’re able to help. If you want to just focus on a particular individual, we recommend consulting with the hospital about the best route to go. Many have programs to help people help patients. Your bank can often advise you on the best accounts to set up for the funds raised.
Contributions to a nonprofit earmarked for a specific individual are allowed and appreciated, however these donations are not tax deductible. The donation is considered a gift to an individual and are not tax deductible.