Sadie’s Haven Horse Rescue and Sanctuary provides safe and caring facilities for horses that have been neglected, abused and/or abandoned. Since February 2012, Sadie’s Haven has taken in a new horse every month. Currently the organization has 17 horses in their sanctuary. Most of the rescued horses were abandoned by their owners, but some are saved horses that were bound for the auction yard and the horrors of slaughter. In the past year, Sadie’s Haven has also re-homed 24 horses to loving new families via their Adoption Program.
This summer, the Sonoma County Humane Society’s Summer Camp for Kids has been visiting the Sanctuary each week. The youngsters are a great help in assisting with the attention and tender loving care that these horses so richly deserve. It is such a pleasure to watch the children and the horses enjoying each other.
Many West Coast horse rescues that could not afford to care for the horses in their charge have closed down this year and some have reluctantly sent their rescue horses to auction yards. This is heartbreaking news. Sadie’s Haven is asking for additional community support to ensure they can continue providing this important service. The organization relies on fund raising events and the kind-hearted generosity of individual supoprters to help their all volunteer horse rescue and sanctuary provide the necessary care the horses deserve. Founder Vicki Sims makes a request, “Won’t you help us save a life by making a donation today. Please help us help the horses, $10, $20, it all adds up. Remember that your donation is fully tax deductible (Thanks to the Nonprofit Legal Center). We deeply appreciate your generous support. With Gratitude and Blessings – Vicki (President and Founder).” You can send a check for whatever you can to Sadie’s Haven Horse Rescue at 2951 Thorn Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472.