What are Nonprofits and Why Obtain Tax Exempt Status
¨ There are several types of nonprofit organizations and the most preferred and common is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS.
¨ 501(c)(3)s must be organized for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, grassroots organizations and to promote amateur sports competition or to prevent cruelty to children or animals. Nonprofits typically form nonprofit corporations to provide limited liability for the people involved in the organization.
¨ T.S. Wrobel & Associates has years of experience in forming nonprofit corporations throughout the United States and Washington, D.C.
Benefits of Forming a 501(c) (3) Corporation
Here are some of the advantages of forming a nonprofit corporation:
¨ Protection of personal assets and limited liability for the organization’s directors, officers, and board members
¨ Receive Tax Exemption from the IRS for federal income tax
¨ Eligible for tax-free grants from the government as well as private and public grants
¨ Donations to the nonprofit are tax-deductible for the donors (private and public)
¨ No individual members own a nonprofit hence the organization is its own entity
¨ Asset & Property Tax deductions
¨ Potential Postage Discount from US Postal Service
¨ Free Volunteers and Unpaid Interns
Form your Nonprofit Today!
To receive a free initial consultation (over the phone or in person) with no obligations, simply call Thomas Wrobel at 1-800-928-4161 or email to info@tswrobel-law.com. Feel free to visit the websites TsWrobel-Law.com and NonProfitLegalCenter.com for more details and resources on forming nonprofit corporations.